Community Eye Care Service
If you have a recent problem with your eyes – such as sore eyes, red eyes or visual disturbance – you can be assessed and treated by our local Community Eye Care Service
For more information please visit their website.
Have you been referred to see a Specialist?
Information on what happens when you have been referred.
Kooth is an online emotional health and wellbeing platform for 11 to 19 years olds. Its completely safe, anonymous website where young people can go to gain advice, support and guidance from qualified counsellors, up to 10 o’clock at night 365 years a day.
Qwell Counselling
Qwell is a free, safe and anonymous online counselling and emotional well-being support for adults aged 18+. It also provides support to the one in eight adults who care for an ill, older or disabled family member, friend or partner.